Monday, May 1, 2017

Interview with Mary Magdalene

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Bibleoddyssy, org

Image result for mary magdalene in the bible

Hello, for the next few posts I will present parts of a script on which I am working. Over the next week or so, you will see a very special group of people. Each of these persons had an encounter with Jesus and received either personal healing, healing for someone close to them, or forgiveness. Let’s allow each of our guests to introduce themselves. These posts will take the form of interviews between me and the Biblical characters. I would appreciate any input you can give me. In the original manuscript, I have an emcee. This format is that of a talk show.

Quiet Spirit: Hello, Mary Magdalene. I am thankful you could be with us today.

Mary Magdalene: Hello, Quiet Spirit. Thank you for having me.

Q.S. Let’s get started. Can you tell us something about yourself before your encounter with Jesus?

Mary Magdalene: I lived in Magdala, a town on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. People shied away from me. Jesus came through our town often. I always stayed away from where he was until one day, he sought me out. I didn’t want him to see me. My hair was matted and tangled. My family commented that my eyes had no life in them, they believed I had given up any hope of getting rid of the many demons that had taken over my mind and body. But that day I met Jesus, he looked on me with compassion and cast out those demons.

Q.S.: That’s amazing. How did those in your town receive you after your meeting Jesus?

Mary Magdalene: Those in my town who disbelieved in Jesus were cautious. Those who always welcomed Him accepted what He did for me. They embraced me
Q. S.: How did your life change?

Mary Magdalene: My life changed because Jesus gave me a new life, a purpose. He gave me friends, true friends! I was able to follow Him as He traveled from town to town where He preached the Word of His Father.

Q. S.:  How do you feel about what Jesus did for you?

Mary Magdalene: I am thankful. Because Jesus drove out those demons, I have a new life. I am healthier, I was able to follow Him and support his work. I shudder to think what my life would be like if He had not sought me out that day.


  1. be able to go back and see the new Light in Mary Magdalene's eyes after she met the Master! Then, how powerful that she was actually the first person Jesus encountered after his Resurrection...and she went and told everyone else that she had seen the Lord...the Light of her life!! What a difference Jesus made in her life forever!!

    1. Yes, Jesus made a HUGE difference. He gave her a NEW life. Jesus still does that for those who come to Him today. Peace be with you and yours.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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