Friday, June 16, 2017

God Answers S.O.S. Prayers

Image result for ask seek knock

“Ask and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find, and
knock and it will be opened to you”
Matthew 7:7 (ESV)

            After we come to the LORD we learn we can pray and ask Him for anything. We soon discover that He can answer in one of three ways, “Yes, No, or Not right now.”

            Sometimes, we make requests that, to us, are urgent. Those times we can’t find our keys require us to pray, “Lord Jesus, please help me find my keys.” I had a friend who is now in heaven who said that she got her quickest response from God when she prayed this prayer.

            Just the other evening, I received an e-mail from the lady who us designing the book cover for my upcoming book. She requested I send her a photograph of myself if I wanted my picture on the back of the book jacket.

            The first one I sent her was too small. I enlarged it. She then asked if I could scan the original into my computer and send that one to her.
     The problem was. I didn’t know where that original picture was. Part of this stems from my being a packrat. I believe the difference between a packrat and a saver is that a saver is organized.

            I looked around and said a mental prayer, “Lord Jesus, help me find that picture.” I reached over onto a shelf to some pages I had placed between these locker shelves I purchased to give me more space and pulled out a stack of papers I had clipped together to find that picture right on top of them.

            I especially recommend this remedy when you go shopping, come out of the store, and can’t find your car.



  1. Oh Yes!! I find that I make use of the SOS prayer quite often these days...the older we get...the more we forget...but God NEVER forgets...and never tires of taking care of His children, no matter how confused, disorganized or forgetful we may be. I am SO thankful for His patience with me!!!

    1. Pam; It seems that we all have those prayers on our lips as we advance in age. My friend I referred to was in her early 90's. She was sharp for someone of her age except she admitted to losing her keys.

  2. I am hearing Not Now a lot lately. I know God has a better plan for me life and part of that might be for me to trust His plan and to learn to wait. Some days it is harder than others but I'm doing it.

    1. Terri: I understand. Our son was a spina bifida child. He really didn't find a good job until after he was 40 years old. He lived with us during times extended times of unemployment and some jobs that he didn't think would last. But, God was good to him and us during that time.

  3. Haha, this is a great story, we do this at home when we lost our keys or wallets and God is always faithful to answer.
    A book Cecelia, I must have missed that. I am curious!

    1. Marja: Yes, a book. I have been reticent to say much about it because I wasn't sure when it would be complete. I had to have some professional (book) help to move it to completion. I hope to have something in a blog post soon. Yes, several of my friends pray for misplaced articles a lot of times. Peace and Blessings.


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