Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Spiritual Rewards:Peace

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            “Behold the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:3-4 (ESV)
            John the Revelator paints a wonderful word picture here of what heaven will be like.
What do we see from this vision?

·         God will live with us. He will assure us that He is there with us. The thought of having peace for all eternity gives me a lot to desire. When I see the news on television or read the daily newspaper, I have to remember that this world is not where we live, we are sojourners here.
·         God will comfort us. When we have anxieties in this world we wonder if things could get any worse. When God comes to reign on the new earth, trials, vexations, or problems will not exist. Those things we go through in this world do not make up the final outcome of our lives. There will be none of the trials that bring us down, even momentarily.

There are a lot of hurting people in our state. A supermarket has all but gone out of business here. The company has already closed several stores and has 44 others for sale. Two other companies have an interest in 26 of those. One of the ones that closed is where we used to do most of our shopping. One of the men who worked there started with the company over 50 years ago. He had never worked anywhere else. This store closure has affected the employees and those who shopped there. These people need your prayers. I pray they find peace about this. 


  1. I love this passage; it is mighty comforting and encouraging! Yes, I will pray for these displaced employees in your town, that they find peace in Jesus.

    1. Jeanette: Thank you for your prayers. A lady at our church works in the corporate office of this chain. She may have a month more to work. She sees the heartache up close plus wondering about her own future.

  2. Praying for your town, and those displaced by this store closure. Our tiny little town only had one store, and it closed a couple of years ago, also displacing many life-long employees. Our nearest grocery store from that was over 20 miles away. After almost a year and a half of being closed, new owners finally came and took over and it is back up and running we are very thankful. Praying something good will come out of this for your town and people.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your prayers for our town and those displaced workers. Today's newspaper carried the story on the front page that the last store of that chain that is located here will be closing sometime next month. We have several areas of town that are close to being considered 'food deserts.'


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