Monday, November 13, 2017

He Is God

Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations before the mountains were brought forth,
or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
Psalm 90:1-2 (ESV)
This psalm is a prayer of Moses.  He gives praise to God for being present with the Israelites forever. Moses reminds us that God was present before the land was dotted with mountains and even before God formed the earth. (See Genesis 1:1-2) He gives praise to God for being who He is throughout all eternity.

Do we praise God enough for who He is—our Creator, the Sustainer of all things, the Father of us all? In searching for graphics to accompany these posts, I saw a meme that really spoke to me.

            “There are two times to praise the LORD- when you feel like it and when you don’t.”

I believe Moses had times when he didn’t feel like praising God. When he heard the Israelites grumble about being in the desert and what he saw when he came down the mountain where he met with God and saw that idol the people had made come to mind.
As I compose this the words of Mother Teresa come to me. She listed several scenarios we are faced with in life, her response to each instance is we are to “do it anyway.” In each circumstance she gives us, she tells us to follow Jesus’ example to remedy the problem. Yes, due to our humanity, we have times when we don’t want to give God praise.

However, we are told to praise the Lord for everything. I know what that means to me, what does that mean to you? 


  1. It certainly is not always easy, but it becomes easier when we do it!

    1. Marja: I have come to realize that to praise is a learned response. Our human make-up tends to be one of grumbling and mumbling.

  2. I like that meme too. So true. Good reminder, thank you! :)

    1. Karen: I love the memes. Especially when they speak to my heart.

  3. It means that regardless of whether it be good times or bad times, we much give God praise and thanks. He is Lord of all, and He is with us during every season of life. I am so thankful to know that my Lord is CONSTANT, no matter what!!

    1. Pam: God is there with us, even in the bad times. He always has a lesson we need to learn. Let's always praise Him whatever the circumstance we face.


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