Friday, February 9, 2018

Love Your Neighbor
                                                             And a second one is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:39 (ESV)  
Jesus continued instructing the Sadducees. (See my previous post) With the words of our focus verse, the LORD gets down to the very core of human relationships, how we treat those around us.


Our neighborhood has changed over the time we have lived here. People have passed away, others have moved away. Those houses that were owner-occupied might now be rentals, several which seem to be vacant. Because of these factors, we no longer know most of those who live along our section of the street.

I found a way to love these neighbors and these empty houses. I have a section of my prayer list devoted to my neighborhood. In checking a neighborhood social media site’s message board this morning I find I need to expand my section to include a few more houses on a street down the way from our home.  

As we continue to live in our world as things become more conflicted for those of us who love the LORD, we may need to look again at the values we hold and search for ways to please God as we pray for those near us and for those dear to us.

We can learn from the teachings of Jesus and apply them to our daily lives as we walk with Him. We can learn to seek His guidance before we comment on events and actions of others that we don’t understand. We can give Him the glory for the uplifting things He does and not try to take credit for anything He has done for us.


  1. Ah, yes...loving our neighbors is not always easy. It takes prayer, courage, and a lot of grace sometimes. Praying is the best place to start...and then let the Lord direct the next step. Times have changed and neighborhoods have changed with it...but our call to "love our neighbor as ourselves" has never changed. Thank you for this reminder today.

    1. We have to love our neighbors because God commanded it. I have one set that I really have to work on loving them. So, this may have been something God wanted me to write to help me see my need for this message.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sandi. It seems when we pray about something, God changes us.

  3. i need to be more mindful of this. Our neighborhood is outside of town in a more rural area and doesn't have sidewalks, so it's not really conducive to walking around the block to say hello, etc. But I can pray for them and stop by on occasion. Have a good weekend!

    1. Karen: Yes, a rural setting is quite different from an urban or suburban setting. When we travel, I spend time praying for churches we pass. Sometimes, we will drive through neighborhoods and I find myself praying for those who live in the houses.

  4. Thanks for sharing this biblical mandate. A timely reminder amid troubled times.

    1. Jennifer, you are welcome. Our neighborhood has changed over the years. At present, we have mostly rental homes around us. We are the second longest living family on our section of the street.


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