Wednesday, February 14, 2018


In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the LORD; make his paths straight.” Matthew 3:1-3 (ESV)

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, a time of preparation to celebrate our LORD’s resurrection. During the 40 days of this season, we focus on our relationship with Jesus and how we can improve it. Basically, we look at our lives and strive to weed out the things that we believe are a hindrance to our living for Him.

We practice a fast, or ‘giving up’ of something in our lives that we think might take the place of time we could devote to knowing more about God. I spend a lot of time playing scrabble and a related game on my tablet.  I believe I am doing this too much. As of this morning, I have put it away until Easter Sunday.

For the past two years, I have used a certain Lenten devotional book. Last year, I kept a journal of my thoughts during each day. As I initially write this entry, I am unsure of my plan for devotions. 

Sometimes God leads us also to perform one positive thing each day. This year, I plan on praying more for our nation. With all the upheaval we see, I feel the need to truly take these issues before the LORD and ask Him to take care of them.

Does your faith tradition observe the season of Lent? What are some ways you have participated in the observance?


  1. Prayer works, for our nations and others. We need it.

    1. Yes, we do need to pray for our nation, at all levels. Thank you, Sandi, for your thought.

  2. Hi Cecelia! I'm Catholic, so we do observe Lent. I was at mass this morning with my husband and we were blessed with ashes on our foreheads. Today, we don't eat meat, and follow the observance for fasting. Every Friday we abstain from meat in Lent, which really isn't a hardship for me, but more a reminder of the season.
    Happy Valentines Day to you, and a holy beginning to Lent too,

    1. Ceil, Thank you for sharing. Last evening our church had its Ash Wednesday Service. It was a special time with a couple of new features added. One was a listing of references of 40 prayers from the Bible, one for each day of Lent.

  3. My "faith tradition" is a bit of Heinz 57. I was raised in churches that observed Lent, but not very formally. I don't really remember much about it growing up. The churches we have served in in the ministry in our adult years do not traditionally observe Lent. I personally decided that it was something I wanted to do for myself as a way of drawing closer to the Lord in an intentional way...seeking ways to grow in my walk with the Lord and also be more open in serving Him in different ways. I haven't made any specific plans for this...just letting God lead me right now...seeking His face and His plan and seeing where He leads. This year I want to focus on "renewal, which is also my One Word for this year. Praying that God will give me wisdom and guidance. It's kind of an adventure and mystery to see where He will take me.

    1. Pam; The churches of my youth and young adult years, did not observe Lent. In the early part of this Century, the church I was in received a new pastor and he decided we could observe the "giving up" of something. When I started attending the church I now attend, they formally observe Lent, even promoting the idea that we can do something positive during the season. I like the aspect of drawing closer to God.


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