Friday, July 27, 2018

God and Our Lives

You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers onto the third and fourth generation of those who hate me. Exodus 20:5 (ESV)

God loves each of His children. As a parent, he wants what is best for them. We have written evidence of how great God’s love is. The Apostle John tells us God loves us so much he willingly gave His son to die for our sins. He warns us no to have any other gods before Him. He tells us not to make carved images or likeness of any heavenly body.

The Lord keeps his children safe. He gives doctors and medical personnel knowledge to keep each of those children safe and healthy.
Our heavenly Father gives us reminders of His presence as we go through our day. The sound of birdsong, the beauty of a flower, the colors of the sky and the wispy clouds. He sends these messaged to us to remind us that He is near to us and that He wants us to stay close to Him.

Yes, God describes Himself as being jealous. This is a positive attribute. He wants what is best for us. Simply put, God cares for each of us. I once heard that God cares for each of us as if there was only one of us.

We, as His children, are responsible to live our lives in such a way that we reflect Him and His ways to all we meet. This could be seen as a big undertaking. I have found a small way to make people I meet at least stop and think, even if only for a second. At the end of our transaction, either in person or on the telephone, I tell them to be blessed. Some seem to not know how to respond and they choose not to. Others smile and respond with, “Thank you. You be blessed, too.”  This is something to think about. It might make a cashier’s day go a bit easier. Or maybe a phone center realizes her work is appreciated. It’s one way to be Jesus’ light in a dark world.


  1. When you say, "God bless you," He really does. I believe it.

    "He warns us no to have any other gods before Him. He tells us not to make carved images or likeness of any heavenly body."

    It is important to remember this. It doesn't have to be a wooden statue.

    1. Sandi: You are right, anything we put before God or in place of Him is an idol.

      Peace and Blessings.

  2. You are a light in this dark world!! I appreciate that!

    1. Terri: Thank you for your kind comment.

      Peace and Blessings.

  3. Beautiful post, and so true, I hear the cicadas singing outside my window, and as I read your passage, the voice just seemed to come in so close!! He is always near. Amen.
    Be blessed!

    1. Shayndel: Thank you for stopping in here at my blog. In the spring mornings, I hear birdsong out a window above my couch and I enjoy their singing. God IS close to those who love and serve Him.

      Peace and Blessings.


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