Friday, May 17, 2019

We Will See His Face

And I—in righteousness I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness. Psalm 17:15 (NIV)

These are the words of David; they appear at the end of one of his prayers. I find hope in them.

As I was making the decision about this post, I remembered I had left my Bible with a concordance on our front porch. As I opened the front door. I saw the sun shining through the east windows, inviting me to work do my praying and writing while I enjoyed God’s presence.

What does David mean by these words?

in righteousness When David lived according to God’s guidance. When we live according to God’s guidance.

I will see your face-- It was David’s desire to gaze upon God’s likeness. In Today’s world, we see God’s likeness in the faces of small babies. I have a friend who sees God in the beauty of nature. I see God whenever someone extends a small courtesy—opening a door for someone else, paying a compliment, allowing another person to go ahead of them in line at the grocery store check-out.

when I awake,-- David seems to speak of physical sleep (see Psalm 3:5). He could also mean something more. One day, each of us who believe in God will go to sleep here on earth and wake up in heaven. We will see God’s countenance and be thankful to Him for all He has done for us.

I will be satisfied-- When we arrive in heaven, we will be so thankful to be with God that all our trials and the difficulties we have experienced here on earth will all disappear.

How do you see God’s face and presence in your present lives here on earth?

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