Friday, September 6, 2019

Jesus Asks A Blessing

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And taking the five loaves and the two fish he looked up to heaven and said a blessing and broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the people. And he divided the two fish among them all. And they ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of then fish. And those who at the loaves were five thousand men.
Mark 6:41-44 (ESV)

In this story, Jesus asked for God to bless the food that a small boy willingly gave to Him in order to attempt to feed 5,000.

I wonder; did Jesus say an extended prayer over this food, or did he just ask for God to bless what He had? All we know is that God blessed that meager offering many times over.

Everyone who ate was satisfied. They were no longer hungry. There were leftovers, quite a lot of bread, 12 baskets full. We are not told how many fish were in the baskets. Must have been a lot.

What does this miraculous story tell us? It might tell us to trust Jesus and let Him do the work when we have difficult issues facing us. It may tell us to be thankful in all things, no matter how devastating they look.


  1. Beautiful story of the loaves, I love that story and often think of Jesus when He blesses them and holds them up to His Father. I believe the words He said are the timeless Hebrew "Bracha", Blessing over the bread,- Baruch Atah ADONAI Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam Ha Motzi LECHEM min Ha'Aretz. which says "Blessed are you LORD our GOD, King of the Universe who creates bread from the Earth". Though He may have said it using "FATHER". I love that also as this is the same words that we say every week at Shabbat when blessing the bread in communion (Kiddush). I agree it is a powerful and wonderful blessing, and as you said, the "thanks" is something that we learn from it, as well how God "multiplied" the bread and that giving thanks is a "multiplier" even to give thanks in something that seems small and I am sure many other lessons as well that JESUS gives us from this. I love this scripture and often look to it, so I am glad to see it and I like the painting there, with the blue sky and water and the little boy! Blessings and thank you for sharing !! Sabbath Peace to you!

    1. Shayndel: Thank you for your beautiful comment. We should always ask God's blessing on what we eat, say, wear, and do. Peace and Blessings for you and your loved ones.

  2. Great lessons to learn from this story indeed. The prayer of a righteous man avails much!

    1. Yes, we should remember that when we pray for another's need. Peace and blessings to you.


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