Friday, January 24, 2020

God Alone Allows Success

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Youtube>Latrisha Waites
There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD.
                                                Proverbs 21:30-31 (NIV)

This passage speaks of our need to consult God with our plans and goals.

 There is no wisdom,
            Wisdom is a gift from God. His Word, the Bible leads us to live rightly, have the right relationships, and make the right decisions. 1

no insight, 
    God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight. (1 Kings 4:29)  His understanding could not be measured. He had more insight and wisdom that anyone of that time.

no plan,

            In our lives, plans get altered. Plans don’t get realized. We must adjust our schedules and even our lives when those plans must change. Each of us has gone through the process of having to fall back on ‘Plan B.’

 that can succeed against the LORD.

            God holds everything in His hands, when babies are born, (Our son came two weeks after my anticipated due date.) when a loved one goes to heaven, (a friend and her extended family sat with her stepmother for over a week as she went through the process of leaving this earth.)

I had a friend and her husband who lived in our part of town. They wanted to move to a larger house. They wanted to stay in this area. Every house someone directed them to see was in other parts of town. She asked me what I thought that meant. My answer was, “It seems like the LORD wants you in another part of town.” When they moved their new house was in another part of town. 
The lesson I have learned from this verse humbles me. I have not always consulted God about my plans. Those plans either changed, or had to be postponed, or even did not give me what I expected.

Through these experiences, I have learned to remain open for God to enter and orchestrate my life. But then, I am human and sometimes need a remedial course.

(1.) Life Application Bible, ©1988-1991, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Wheaton, IL 60189, page 1071


  1. This is such a valuable lesson from God's Word. We all should tack this verse up and remember it when we are trying to make "our plans". I know I went through this last year when trying to sell our house and move to our now new town and house. Just when we were about to give up and decide it must not be God's will for us to move, He brought everything together and it was even better than we'd hoped for. So sometimes we just have to learn to be patient and wait on God. When it is His will, He will do things in His perfect time.

    1. Pam: Yes we receive valuable lessons from God through His word. God inspired those words so we could learn these lessons and how to live for Him. We have to learn to trust His perfect timing. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. This is so true. I prayed before we made the decision to move from CA to WA. And when we heard from the Lord and had complete peace, we made the move. Unfortunately I don't consult Him often enough in my decisions. I love the animated movie Joseph King of Dreams. There is a song in it called Better Than I and it's about surrendering our plans to God's will because He really does know better then we do.

    1. Cindy: I can relate to the thought of not always consulting Him for guidance. I am learning that lesson every time I mess up. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Such a great post Cecelia. Yes, it's okay to make plans, but we must be open to change them!

    1. You are so right. Friends of mine are living that each week. Thank you for your nice comments.


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