Friday, January 3, 2020

My Plans for 2020

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Writing Plans for 2020.

Last fall, I found myself thinking about the Apostle Paul and his imprisonment in Rome. I started a piece about how a member of the Praetorium Guard got to know Paul better and that guard’s thoughts and impressions of him. (All this came to me as I was preparing to teach a Bible Study on Philippians.)

My word for 2020

I thought about several words. I have chosen “PRAISE.” I will write more about it as the year progresses.

 Blog Topics and Frequency

Each fall, I consider the topics for my blog for the next year. These usually are related to the time of year, Lent, Advent, Thankfulness, advent, etc.

I will still write and post entries on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Writing Group

That new writing group that I was invited to join chose not to meet in December. It is scheduled to start up again this month. The group plans to meet once a month.

Searching for Markets

From time to time I search for markets to which I can submit. Presently, I have a few in mind to investigate and see if I can create something appropriate for some of them.

Reading List
I have yet to decide on books I choose to read this year. I will spend time this month making decisions about this.

Devotional Reading
The Sunday school class I am in uses devotional readings as a springboard for discussion about the message. I also will be reading the Daily Guideposts devotional book.

Goals List
I have returned to making a list of goals. I have used the “S-M-A-R-T” format, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.


  1. Sounds like you are off to a good start for the New Year, with good goals in place. I guess I am not a real goal oriented person...I tend to take it as it comes and trust God to lead me wherever He wants me to go. But I think having some goals is a good idea to help steer me in the right direction. I just know that I am not good about keeping up with my goals, so I've kind of just stopped putting that pressure on myself. Perhaps I need to rethink that. Either way we do it, our main goal is to follow Jesus, and He will never lead us astray! Have a blessed and joyful New Year.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I have not always been "Goal Oriented." I believe it's how God wants me. God is supreme and sovereign. What He wants is uppermost in my mind. Peace and blessings.

  2. Hi Cecelia, happy New year to you. I like your one-word PRAISE, can't go wrong with that attitude :) I will follow your blog posts as best as I can, always enjoy your short, but profound thoughts. Thanks.

    1. Marja: A belated Happy New Year wish to you. Thank you for your friendship. Peace and blessings.

  3. That is such a good word, Praise!! Even writing it or thinking it or saying it brings forth Praise! Hallelujah!! I like that in Hebrew there are many words for Praise!!

    I am like Pamela as in her comment above, and am not very goal oriented. I have never been good at setting and keeping goals, so I admire those who do!! I am impressed by your ability to set them and keep them. God bless you you and prosper you in all your goals for this year!!

    1. Shayndel: I am not especially good on the follow through. I make plans and then something happens or doesn't happen and I get discouraged. I really need to pray about this condition I seem to have. Peace and blessings.


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