Friday, March 6, 2020

Jesus Is. . .

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I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 (NIV)

With these words, Jesus makes His position very plain. He ‘spells it out’ for the disciples and for us.

I am 
Jesus speaks here in the present tense. Please notice what he says. He didn’t say, “I will be.” Or “My Father will make me.”

the way
What Jesus says here is basic to his purpose for being on earth. That purpose is to show us how-to live-in order to be able to enter heaven and spend eternity with Him.
God has a purpose in mind for each of us. Sometimes, we must search in order to discover what that is.  Some people learn to rely on God alone to learn what their God-given purpose is.

the truth
Jesus speaks to and lives truth before His children. The words we read in the Bible are true. We are seeing those words come to life before our eyes or we will very soon. (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and 2 Timothy 3) In spite of these tough passages, we must remember that Jesus is the Truth.

the life
God, the Father of our LORD, created life. Peter preached to the people of Jerusalem that they killed the author of life when they killed Jesus. (Acts 3:15)

We have scriptural evidence that God, with the help of His Spirit, and His Son Jesus, created our world out of nothing. (Genesis 1:26) God, with help from the Son, created life.

When we ask Jesus into our hearts, He creates in us a new life. The charms of our former lives dim as we learn to look to Him for guidance and direction.                           


  1. Such a powerful statement. I am wondering how YOU are doing? Hoping your leg, foot, or whatever you hurt is not seriously injured and that you are doing better. Been thinking about you.

    1. Pam; I have X-rays of my foot and ankle,A CT scan of my head. Yesterday I had to go 2 an orthopedic center there they gave me a brace a boot to wear for 6 to 8 weeks Are you home yet?


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