Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Book Review: True Worshipers by Marja Verschoor Meijers

True Worshipers: Answering the Father’s call for a lifestyle of pure devotion (The Ten Commandments Series Book 8) by [Marja Verschoor-Meijers, Martin Podolak]



Marja Verschoor Meijers has written the eighth installment of her series about the Ten Commandments. Her latest installment is instructive, interactive, and full of scriptural guidance.


She instructs her readers in ways to bring glory to God. She researched the Old Covenant ways and more fully explained the LORD’S plan for us through the New Covenant. In each chapter, she includes scriptures to bring out her points.


At the end of each chapter, she has a page for journal thoughts. She asks two questions related to the topic. She has given space for the reader to respond to the questions.


I needed something to lift my spirits after a different and difficult spring. This small book (121 pages) helped me see what I needed to see and will help me do what I must do to worship, witness, and live more fully for Jesus.


I would recommend this book to anyone who feels that something is lacking in their relationship with God and wants to work on getting closer to the LORD.


I purchased this book from the author. All she asked of me was to give an honest, impartial review.  


You can find True Worshipers in paperback or Kindle at Amazon.com. Here




  1. Thank you for sharing this with us. It sounds like an excellent little study guide...would make a nice retreat topic...if we can ever have retreats again. Or great for a study group to do together. Thank you!

    1. Pam: I hadn't thought about using it as a retreat topic. That would be a marvelous way to get the message out. Our church's Bible study group will meet this month for the first time since March. I have not gone to any of their studies.

  2. Thank you Cecelia for your review and kind words. I am glad the book was an encouragement to you!

    1. Marja: You are welcome. The ladies I gave copies to are reading it. It is wonderful that we can hav good, Bible based literature in these times.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

The Lord

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