Friday, February 19, 2021

God Sees Me-Moses-1





But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it among the reeds. Exodus 2:3 (NIV)


The Hebrew people were in bondage to the Egyptians. Pharaoh had decreed that all male babies born to Hebrew women were to be killed.


Jochebed, Moses’ biological mother, saw that he was a fine child (ex.2:2) chose to keep him hidden away for three months. I cannot imagine successfully keeping an infant hidden for that long.


When Moses was three months old, his mother, Jochebed, found a basket, waterproofed it, and placed him in it. She placed the basket with its precious cargo in the river. She had Miriam, Moses’ sister watch from a safe distance. 


This chapter of Moses’ life has a happy ending. Pharaoh’s daughter, along with her attendants were walking along the Nile River. One of them spotted the basket and retrieved it.


Miriam came forward and asked if the princess would like to have one of the Hebrew women care for the baby. After a while, Pharaoh’s daughter took the baby into the palace and raised Moses as her own.


God gave Jochebed guidance to protect Moses. He allowed Miriam to help watch over him as he lay in that basket in the river. He allowed the princess of Egypt to go to the river with her handmaids. God saw each of them as they cared for the baby boy who will be used by Him in a mighty way.


Do we believe God sees us as He saw the baby, Moses?      




  1. He has a plan for each of us, the Bible tells us that.

    1. Terra: Several years ago I heard this thought: The Bible says it, I believe it. It is true. God has been good to us throughout the years. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Oh yes, He sees us and knows exactly where we are no matter how much we may try to hide from Him. He sees us when we are lost, alone, suffering, and He knows our name...He cares for our every need. Praise God!!! He sees me, and He knows my name! I am beloved by God!

    1. Pam: I appreciate your thoughts. I feel secure that God sees me through all these medical issues my husband and I are going through. It helps me to stay calm and collected. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Yes, He sees us, wherever we are. When we place such a story in current times, it is interesting to realize that Jochebed decided to hide Moses and in doing so disobeyed government's orders. Glad she did :)

    1. Marja: Jochebed DID follow God rather than the ruler's orders. I'm sure she prayed about doing this.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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