Monday, February 22, 2021

I Got To Church Yesterday!


Cross Roads UMC Anderson IN

Yesterday, I was able to go to church. My friend Martha said she could pick me up; I live on her way. She has been going to the early service (8:30). I managed to wake myself up and get ready.  It was nice to see some of my fellow worshipers again. The above picture is what we see when we approach the church from the west. It sits on a hill. The entrance is on the other side of the building. There are three crosses at the bricked area.

This year, the pastor has chosen to have a Lenten Bible Study on Sunday nights. Sunday night service is something that our church has not had as a general rule. Several of us have these services.  It was an interesting study. 

At the end of the morning service, we sang the hymn, "Were You There?" This hymn made me feel humble and has caused me to ponder my relationship with Jesus. The following is from YourTube.


  1. Oh, I love that picture of your church with the rainbow! Is that what you saw when you went there on Sunday? That is beautiful! And I Love the song "Were You There". That song has always caused me to "tremble, tremble, tremble..." A very special song from my childhood memories. A very good song to sing in Lent. I am so glad you were able to attend on Sunday. Praying for you this week.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your prayers. The picture was one I found on the church's Facebook page and I copied it. It felt good to be in God's house. I saw the surgeon today. Tomorrow is the biopsy.

  2. How beautiful to attend services. I look forward to going in person; right now we have outdoor services with a tent and heaters plus online, so I have been attending online. I love the rainbow pointing the way to your church.

  3. Terra: So nice of you to stop in. We have had YouTube videos and an almost daily lesson from our pastor by phone or email. We have been open periodically since June. We live in Indiana, that means cold temperatures and snow. Our pastor opened the church for Christmas worship services but I could not attend. Sunday was the first time for me to be in worship since November 8th. I had major surgery that next week.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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