Thursday, June 24, 2021

Use Our Gifts to Serve


Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in various forms. 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)


I recently wrote that our spiritual gifts were for our employment. By this, I meant that we are to use our gifts to enlarge the kingdom of God.


Sometimes, I wonder if I am not obeying the message Peter wrote to the scattered believers. Then I read a response to a text or a comment on Facebook that tells me I have done or said the right thing. Due to the COVID pandemic, things have changed dramatically. There are still restaurants in our city that have not reopened. A friend mentioned one that had been a viable business on the near southside of town seemed not to be reopened yet.


One way we have been able to serve others is to continue our prayer ministry. For quite a while we met via conference calls on our mobile phones. This spring we have tried to meet in the gazebo in our prayer garden.

When it is too hot (80+ degrees) or rainy we meet in the fellowship hall of the church building.

Our prayer group has a text group that we use when we are aware of a need in our families or our community. We use it when we are not meeting.


When I sat down to work on this, I had a personal message from one of my Facebook friends who was in the youth group I was in back in the day. He had commented on a post I shared about people with cancer. He commented that his stepson had cancer. I responded by asking him to PM me and give me the stepson’s name. I would add him to my prayer list. He messaged me and seemed grateful for the added prayer.


That seems to me how God wants us to work.

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