Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Book Review: Lead like Christ By A. W. Tozer


This book is edited by James L. Snyder.

Dr. Snyder has compiled a series of sermons based on the New Testament book of Titus by A.W. Tozer.


Tozer aims his writings to “those with an incurable hunger and thirst for the deep things of God.”  [1]


This should be considered a workbook to raise up men and women to become the Christian leaders needed in our world today.


I found myself caught up by the concept of purpose. Some of today’s believers follow Christ but do not realize they have a purpose for following him. It can be a challenge for some Christ-followers to discover their purpose. I know it was mine. I found out just recently that our purpose can change as we advance in age and deterioration of our state of health.


I would recommend this book to anyone who is seriously searching for a closer walk with the LORD. Because of the shortness of each chapter, I believe it would make a good study book for a small group made up of such Christians. I would also recommend this to be in any pastor’s personal library. 


(1.) Lead like Christ, by A.W. Tozer and James Snyder, Bethany House, © (James Snyder), 2021, page 7.






  1. Interesting... I have personally met Dr. James Snyder, the author of the Tozer books. He is an expert on Tozer, and even kind of looks like him. Many years ago he pastored a church in the same district where we were serving in another church. I believe my husband was a part of the service to install him as the new pastor. That was a LONG time ago! Tozer was a deep man of God. We need more theologians like him today. Thank you for this!

    1. Pam: Thank you for sharing these thoughts with me. Yes, I agree, we need more theologians like Tozer today. His words are timeless and right for us today. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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