Tuesday, July 27, 2021

We Are Blessed ( From my earlier writings)



I am attempting to re-organize my computer/writing room. I ran across a folder containing some old pieces. Someone suggested I post them here for you to read. I have edited it. I hope you enjoy my thoughts.


Back in 1998, I made a model of a solar cooking oven like a missionary had created for the women of Haiti to use. These ovens are made of corrugated cardboard and covered with aluminum foil. The Haitian women use these because there are no trees left—they were cut down for charcoal. Now there is no charcoal left and electricity is awfully expensive.

            While I was making my model, I thought, “We are blessed.” Later that evening, I found myself thinking, again about how blessed we are. I made the following entry in my journal.

            We are blessed:

                        ●if we know God as our Lord,

                        ●if we have a roof over our heads,

                         ●if we have gas or electric stoves,

                        ●if we have a few close friends,

                        ●if we have some good memories,

                        ●if we or someone close to us have been healed,

                        ●if we have good neighbors,

                        ●if we have someone to laugh or cry with us,

                        ●if we can see beauty,

                        ●if we can hear laughter,

                        ●if we can shed tears,

                        ●when we can enjoy God’s creation,

                        ●when we can commune with God Himself,

                        ●when we pause and listen to the birds,

                        ●when we watch children at play,

                        ●when we pray for another’s need,

            We are blessed because God love us, and he sheds His grace upon us because of that great love.


  1. This is a lovely post and a reminder of many blessings I sometimes take for granted, like "if we have someone to laugh or cry with us."

    1. Terra: Thankyou for dropping by and for your lovely comment. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Isn't if un Cecelia, to find old writings and to discover that they are still valuable and true? This list is a daily thanksgiving list, I love it!

    1. Marja: Thank you for your thoughtful comment. It WAS fun. I have a lot more to share with all of you. One I might have to serialize. It is a long story. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Oh, this is wonderful, Cecelia! I am so glad you chose to share it with us. And yes, we truly are blessed to have so much that we tend to take it for granted, until a bad storm comes along or some other disaster and we realize just what we had and wish we had appreciated it more. This is a wonderful reminder to us. Thank you for sharing. I hope you will share more of your earlier writings with us!

    1. Pam: Thank you for your kind comment. I will try to share more of them, maybe at the end of each month. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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