Monday, August 16, 2021

David’s Desire for Rest and Shelter

Quiet Spirit/B. Clampitt 

 Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and rest. . .I would hurry to my place of shelter. Psalm 55:6,8 (NIV) 

 David was fearful of his enemies. It looked to him that his life would soon end. 

He thought that he could find rest in shelter from those who intended to harm him. 

 In our own daily lives, we have times when the world throws difficulties at us. We don’t always know what to do. 

We become edgy and, maybe even irritable. Our anxiety sometimes makes us sick.

 David seems to have a remedy for his state. He yearns to be able to be transported to a safe haven and allowed to rest. 

As Christians, we are taught that when trouble comes our way we must pray before we seek input from other people.

 Could it be that when we face harsh difficulties in life that we spend time away from our daily activities and rest on God’s promises? 

Below is a link to a recording that I trust you will like.


  1. Johnny Cash singing On the Wings of a Dove...what a treasure! I love that song, and I did love Johnny Cash too! Thank you for sharing that with us. Also, such wise advice given above...Pray before seeking input from other people. People can lead us astray, but when we pray first God will guide our hearts and minds and we will know what is His leading. Thank you for this post of promise and hope today.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your kind thoughts. We serve a loving God who guides us through each day. How are you feeling these days? Peace and blessings.


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