Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Need to Pray (Updated from 2000)



 I am more aware than ever of the need to pray. I am more deeply concerned about the needs of people I see out in public. I am more conscious of the struggles in the lives of special friends. I am concerned about an overall condition that I see in certain generation of our society.


I watched a neighborhood dispute not head for resolution of a dispute since it came to light many years ago. All I could do back then is pray for those who were involved in this, those with whom I agreed and the one with whom I did not.


Prayer is both a calming influence and a catalyst. It is calming because it takes my mind off the hurt and anger I might feel and allows me to think on things of God. It is a catalyst because certain prayers stir me to action. Action can be making a phone call or sending a note. Action could also mean using my time and talent for His service.


People of God need to be more faithful in prayer. We all are probably in need of more fervent, more honest prayer. People of God need to be more transparently His. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to show us how to improve our prayer life and how He wants us to pray for those around us.



  1. Right now our nation and people in Afghanistan and Haiti in particular are in great need of our prayers. I feel so helpless to be able to do anything else to help, but prayer is probably THE BEST thing I could do anyway...placing our concerns in God's capable hands, knowing that He is in control no matter what this world is doing. I find great comfort in prayer these days.

    1. Pam: You are so right about praying for our nation and the people of Haiti and Afghanistan. When I see the pictures of the Afghani people trying to leave their country via those planes, all I can do is sit there and pray. Haiti has been on my heart as I remember some of the members of a church I was in were short term missionaries there. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.

    A Psalm to Pray.

    1. Welcome Aritha, it is nice of you to drop in. feel free to drop in any time you can. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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