Saturday, October 23, 2021

Eucharisteo: I Give Praise


Simple Life Heartenings

This is something from my past writings. You may remember it. 


For My Savior

            First and foremost, I want to lift up the name of Jesus. He left heaven’s glory to come to earth to teach us about His Father and how we can live for Him.


            Because Jesus died for our sins, we can enjoy freedom from the guilt of sin. A close friend of mine asked me a question about another person’s role in our church. The next morning, I found the answer.

            I called her and said, “You asked me a question last night. I found the answer this this morning.” Her response was, “That’s all right, I don’t need to know. I gave that over to God.” I know she could do this because of what Jesus did for her.

            Jesus teaches us each day how we should live. The Shepherd guides us through troublesome times of our lives. The Teacher instructs us when we don’t understand certain circumstances. The Comforter soothes us when our hearts are broken. The Physician heals us from diseases. The Protector keeps us warm and safe.


            In my lifetime, Jesus has acted in the above roles innumerable times. I thank Him for each


Christian Community

As I sit here on a dreary November day, what does God want me to write about? Thus far this year, He has given me 895 gifts and blessings that I know of. I recently joined the church I have attended since its creation in 2006. We attended one of the forerunner churches for almost four and a half years before the merger of two existing congregations.

            It always impresses me with the way Christians accept others into their fold. I saw this at a writing conference. Everyone was there for the same purpose—to learn how to better present God through their writing. The people were warm and hospitable. The faculty was outstanding. Even one of the speakers, with whom I didn’t see eye to eye, had some good points for us.

            On Wednesday mornings, a group of us meet for prayer. Several years ago, one of the women still has both parents living. This daughter faced one of her parents having his health fail. When I was at that writing conference, I attended a workshop, given by a man who happened to write a book about his experience of watching and caring for his mother as she went through the dementia process. I purchased that book, thinking I could read it myself and then donate it to the church library. I found myself telling this dear sweet Christian sister that I would let her have it first. Her husband is now critically ill. Our church prays for this couple.

            In our faith community, people pray, for however long it takes, for that need. When someone has praise, we all rejoice with them. One Sunday, we heard two women give testimony that someone in their families was cancer free. Another one said she experienced freedom for the first time in a long time.

            I participate in the church’s visitation ministry. Today, we saw eight people, three nursing home patients, four assisted living facility residents. Several of these are close to or in their nineties. My visitation partner and I try to go every other week. I enjoy hearing them talk about their families, or stories of their youth.

            God was good to me when he led me to our church. He always has something special for me each week. He calms me as I worship Him and makes my journey smoother as I follow Him. For this, I am thankful.


God’s Provision

            God gives us words to say when he needs us to speak to someone on His behalf. We had a neighbor who feared her son’s departure for basic training for the U. S. Army. She and I had several talks about what she was feeling. Often, I reminded her that all she felt went with being a mother. Just before his departure, she received baptism. At one point, early in his training, he was very down-in-spirit. She told him, “Go to church tomorrow.” As she and her family prepared to go to his graduation from basic training, she found out he was planned on also receiving baptism while they were all together just prior to his graduation.

            One of my Spiritual Gifts is encouragement. Sometimes, thoughts for encouraging others come easy and sometimes I must pray to find them. Either way, I know the LORD gives me the words.

            I follow a gluten-free diet due to intolerance to grains that contain a certain protein (gluten), namely wheat, barley, rye and some oats. When we have had scrambled eggs for a meal, Hubby couldn’t understand why I couldn’t make toast in our toaster the same way he did. I started using our microwave to basically warm the gluten-free bread. Our anniversary is this month. He recently took me out to a store and bought me a toaster oven. This is something I did not ask for.

            I sometimes have sleepless nights. When I have a good night’s sleep, I know it comes as a gift from God. Even if I can’t fall right to sleep, when I do, I awaken feeling refreshed.

            If each of us were to examine our lives, we would see how God provides for us. He is ready to fulfill any need we have according to His will for our lives. Occasionally, God even takes care of a want we might have. As we go into this season of giving thanks, let’s remember that we can do that all year long. Doesn’t God provide for us every day?

            God lavishes each of us with all we need.


  1. Wow, this was all so good, Cecelia. I enjoyed reading all of the above and could relate to so much of it as you shared it. And right now, as I am once again in the waiting room of God's healing from my surgery, I am discovering that He is teaching me more things than I realized I needed to still learn. It appears that our discipleship and education is never over til we leave earth for heaven...always something new to learn. So thankful that God is so patient with us. Thank you for this lovely post. I needed to see it tonight.

    1. Pam: I like your phrase, "In the waiting room of God's healing powers." I heard a children's author say she was "in God's waiting room" waiting on His leading as to the next book she was to write. I believe I also am in God's waiting room for several things, healing, ministry, and general health. Let's keep praying for one another and see what God has in store for us. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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