Friday, October 1, 2021

September Reflections


Shining Mom


 Surprise, Surprise

September was a surprising month. The weather was more like July than September.

I had been patiently (?) waiting for two copies of a devotional book I ordered. They finally arrived on the 29th. I made several calls to the publisher about them.

I received a new 5G cell phone that put me on a huge learning curve. It took a while, but I believe I have learned to navigate on it. It works somewhat differently.


 Medical Stuff


I noticed something that concerned me around one of my incision marks. I had a follow-up mammogram. I was due to have one this fall anyway, we just did it early. What I was seeing was NOT a sign of disease. For this I am thankful.


Writing, Journaling


I believe I have my word for 2022 chosen. I also have my monthly themes in mind.  I will share these in my December Reflections post.


I am enjoying journaling thoughts about some scriptures from “The Beauty of an Uncluttered Mind” by Carla Gasser. Here is the link to my previous post. beauty of an uncluttered mind. Each of these scriptures is related to one of the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5.


 Prayer Requests


With all the upheaval in our world, we must pray for revival, for God’s hand of guidance on His children.


 There is a lot of heartache in this world beyond COVID. Hurricanes, Volcanoes erupting, Family Crises, Racial Tensions, Health Problems, Political Unrest, just to name a few.


Re-establishing Good Habits


I am struggling to return to some good habits in my life.  Also trying to establish some good habits. I must say that some of those bad habits are not because of COVID.


 My gift for my friend


My friend Anna now lives in an assisted living facility in southern Indiana. I made her a wreath for the door of her apartment. A gentleman from church and Anna’s cousin, also from church, went down to see her one Friday late last month. She called me late that afternoon and thanked me for it. She said it made her cry (Tears of happiness). At first she didn’t realize I had made it. She said it was the prettiest wreath on her floor.               




  1. The wreath is so beautiful...and I am sure it made your friend cry tears of joy...not only for its beauty, but because you remembered her and went out of your way to do something so special. That is such a blessing. I am so happy to hear that what you saw in your incision was not anything serious to be concerned about. Praise God. Yes, I understand about bad habits. I have a few and try to correct them, but I am afraid either laziness or just well...yeah, laziness is what it probably is. Ha Ha. I enjoyed reading your post. Please take care and have a blessed weekend.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your kind thoughts. Some of those bad habits of mine almost REFUSE to let me gain ground in resolving them. God is good despite these issues I am going through. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Oh wow, you are thinking ahead! I am glad you have perspective and hope for the near future, so many hurting people everywhere, it is scary. I am glad your doctor's report was good, amen!

  3. Marja: Thank you for your kind thoughts. Really do have to get busy and get things done for the fall. God has been patient with me. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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Thou Shalt Not Murder

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