Tuesday, November 16, 2021




 Blessings crown the heads of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked. Proverbs 10:6 (NIV)


This verse intrigues me. It tells me that the righteous people will receive blessings from God. There have been times when we wonder if we have done something we shouldn’t because we must go through something that causes us hurt. We learn something from those times, something that we might not have known and, yet have needed to know.


Some things I have experienced through this pandemic have been there all the time; I just didn’t realize they were. Yes, there have been struggles but out of these struggles have come some blessings.


On the other hand, I hear and read of stories that a person was responsible for personal hurt to another individual, either something they said or did to cause major issues. Sometimes, these hard feelings escalate and cause more and greater problems for the individuals involved and even for our society.


As Children of God, we must remember to thank Him for the way He blesses us. This must become a daily habit.


For some time, I have had trouble falling asleep at night. Two different friends have said they spend time, after their heads hit the pillow, just thanking Him for what He has done for us and what He has given us, not asking Him for anything. I decided to try it and I have slept better than I have for quite a while.                              


                                                            Maranatha Music


  1. Great Is Thy Faithfulness is one of my most favorite songs. And yes, counting our blessings is a great way to fall asleep at night. It lifts us up above our troubles and sorrows and helps us to focus on the One Who had done all things wonderfully for us, beyond anything we could ask for. I pray you will continue to fall asleep with words of praise and thanksgiving on your lips. It is a beautiful way to sleep.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your kind thoughts. My realizing that all we have are blessings from God has helped me become calmer and, hopefully, more like the person God wants me to become.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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