Friday, November 19, 2021

Truly Blessed



Lord, how wonderful you are! You have stored up so many good things for us, like a treasure chest heaped up and spilling over with blessings— all for those who honor and worship you! Everybody knows what you can do for those who turn and hide themselves in you.

Psalm 31:19 (TPT)


As children of God, we sometimes don’t realize that we are truly blessed by God.

We take for granted simple things we receive from Him.


We are truly blessed if:


              *We have been granted salvation through Jesus Christ. ·

                 *We have a home in which we safely live.

         * We have central heating for the winter.


* We have air conditioning and fans to keep us cool in the summer.


* We have a family that loves us.


* We have friends who pray for us.


* We have enough healthy food to sustain us.

* We have a place to sleep at night.

* We have clothing to keep us warm in the winter.

* We have guidance from God to help us through the times of great stress.


Yes, we are “So Blessed" sometimes more than we realize.



  1. Oh Cecelia, what a beautiful sons, a golden oldie. I love the Gaithers. Thank you, we are so blessed indeed!

    1. Marja: Yes, we are truly blessed. Sometimes it takes us a while to realize that we are. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Yes, indeed we are "so blessed" sometimes more than we realize. We have so much here in this country that we tend to take for granted. We just don't even realize how good we have it until we see what others are having to endure in other places. God has been so gracious unto us. I am VERY thankful indeed.

    1. Pam: We don't always realize just how blessed we are until we hear of someone who is having difficulties in his or her life. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. You are so right in what you have said here. Whenever my husband moans about something not being what he would want it to be I always remind him of the good things in our lives and how much worse it could be if we was in the position that sadly many are in around the world.

    1. Brenda: Thank you for stopping by. We do have those times when we forget that we have a lot that others might never have. All I have to do is look around me and see what all God has done for me. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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