Thursday, November 4, 2021

October Reflections



I have enjoyed journaling certain scriptures related to the Fruit of the Spirit. I have committed myself to do this every day. It is my intention to use them on my blog in 2022.

Searching for Outlets

I am continually searching for outlets for my writing. It is my desire to share my writing with a wider audience.

Flower craft 

Worked on some small bouquets for centerpieces for tables at our November women’s circle meeting. One of the items I am going to have is a small bag of popcorn kernels for each lady present. I didn’t ask Hubby if he remembered where we got popcorn on the cob. I purchased microwave popcorn and never gave it a thought about the butter or the oil inside that bag. I had to rinse and drain the kernels before I packed them. I should have asked Hubby about those cobs of popcorn.

I am sorry, I can't get pictures to load onto my computer from my new cellphone. I will be dealing with this and other issues about it as soon as I can.

Scheduling Appointments for Booster

I have tried to schedule our appointments for our Booster shots. One website had a lengthy registration form. As I had to enter my legal name, the site would not accept it. What I gave them has been my legal name for right at 53 years, ever since we married. Jim (aka Hubby) does not understand the workings of the process and that causes me to anxiety. After trying at three different places, I managed to snag two appointments for us. It was a long walk- through half of Georgia.  The appointments were cancelled by the pharmacy. This was about 23 hours after we drove across town to find the pharmacy area of the store was closed. My light did not shine. Jim told Roger when he called that night,” Your mother was furious!” So, I must start from scratch. Maybe tomorrow.

 Getting A New Furnace 

Just before the middle of the month, our furnace decided to stop working. The end of September, we had just had it checked for the winter. At that time, the technician told us there was a part going bad. We decided to wait before we replaced it. We realized we had it 22 years. I don’t think we should complain.  The weather turned into fall that very next weekend. That Sunday, I had to remove the frost from the windows of our car before I could drive it to church. I also dressed rather warmly when I went to church.  The day after the furnace was installed, it ran several times. 

Facebook Issues

If we have been friends on Facebook for some time, please do not accept any friend request from me. I have had several people who are already my friends contacting me telling me they received one. At church one Sunday, a woman I graduated from high school with asked me about some committee that would give her an outlandish amount of money. I told her it wasn’t me. Another woman had told me some time ago that she received a message supposedly from me, but it didn’t sound like me. Also, I have received a friend request from a woman from church who passed away almost three years ago. 



  1. Hi Cecelia, thank you for your monthly reflections. I always enjoy reading them, it gives me a sneak peek into your life. Sorry to hear about the Fb issues, I did not notice anything weird, hope it is okay now!

  2. Marja: Thank you for your kind thoughts. I replied to a "friend" on FB this past weekend. The real friend called me and told me what I had done but she said, "It wasn't me!" This was the first time I had that happen.
    God has blessed me in so many ways. Even the smallest thing He does for me is a blessing.

    Are you feeling better?

  3. You've had quite a month! So glad the furnace issue is resolved before the real winter weather begins. We are thankful for our furnace kicking on these days...we've had some pretty chilly weather for Florida here lately. I did not receive any weird messages from you on Facebook that I noticed. I've learned to ignore a lot of new "friend requests" and "new messages" on Messenger. Messenger seems to be the biggest issue. Anyway, I hope you have resolved it. Usually just changing your password on FB will do the trick. Hope you can figure out the Booster issue as well. Now just relax and enjoy this season of Thankfulness! Happy Early Thanksgiving!

    1. Pam, we received out booster shots yesterday afternoon. We went to the Health Department. No problems. Very efficient. Jim heard one of the men administering the shots say that they had already had 70 children receive shots that day. We have had to start the car earlier than our intended departure time when we go anywhere early in the morning. Winter is on it's way. I responded to a friend's thought on one of my FB posts. Later she called me and said, "That wasn't me!" I pray you are feeling better. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

September Reflections

  An Interesting Month September has truly been an interesting month. We have had summer weather and fall weather alternating with ...