Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Showers of Blessings


I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing. Ezekiel 34:26 (NIV)

The LORD God here talks about blessing his people. He tells Ezekiel He will look favorably on those who love Him. He further tells the prophet that He will bless those who follow Him. He says He will shower them with blessings as they need them.


God still gives us showers of blessings, even during this pandemic. Though we might not like the idea of staying in away from crowds, it has helped keep us safe. When we see people, we have not seen for a lengthy time, we rejoice and are happy to see them.


A phone call from a friend is a blessing. It tells us that someone cares about us.


Here are some of the blessings I received just last week:


I sent emails to three of my writing/blogging friends and asked for their prayers. Each of them replied with compassionate thoughts that helped me deal with a tender area I feel the need to deal with.


My husband surprised me with a bag of my favorite candy-White Chocolate Truffles.


I felt blessed when I could make our appointments for our booster shots easily. (Earlier, we had a difficult time when one place cancelled our appointments. The place was closed when we arrived.) 


I felt blessed when a Facebook friend messaged me and asked how I was doing. As I later listed the things I had done that day, I realized I had been very blessed.

Here is a hymn that came to mind when I was preparing this post.


                                                Sue Dodge singing at Gaither Homecoming




  1. There shall be showers of blessings...this is the promise of love!!! I love this song!! Mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we plead... Thank you for this post. God is so good to continue to shower us with His blessings in the midst of our season of drought.

    1. Pam: Yes, God is so good to each of us. Sometimes, He has to slow us down in order for us to see those blessings. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Rajani: Thank you for stopping by. Thank you for your kind comment. Come back any time you can!


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