Friday, July 1, 2022

June Reflections



   VBS 2022

   We had Vacation Bible School for three nights the middle of the month. It was a small school, but the children seemed to enjoy the different activities. The decorations were outstanding.

             However, there was one glitch. Our Children’s Ministries Director works a full-time job at a group home. On Thursday, the residents were all sick. Friday, our Children’s Director called my best friend and said she had COVID. That night, all the adults working with the VBS pitched in and did a little extra to help. 

            I have been dealing with congestion since then.  I have had two “good days” this week.

 Husband’s Health

Jim has been dealing with a knee problem. He is going to have a TOTAL knee replacement. This did not surprise me. We were to see the surgeon but had to reschedule because he had the onset of pneumonia. .

His surgery will be in early August. Please keep us in your prayers. 


 A New Ministry Effort


In our church, we have had several people lose an adult child to death. One elderly lady lost her son last December and a month later lost her husband.


Some of us felt the need to begin a Bereavement Visitation Ministry. My best friend and I ordered some very well-written pamphlets to share with those we visit. Due to my being ill and some other things. We have not been able to do any visitation.


 Writing Efforts


Sometime ago, I found a forum for Christian writers. I joined the group. For some time, I chose to access it for the fellowship. I was questioning myself after I did not do well getting my book into people’s hands.


I recently started posting a few things I have written and have gotten positive responses from the other members.


From time to time, I search for a (paying) outlet for my writing. I have not been able to find one that is of the Christian genre that I feel comfortable with.


A Possible Blog Break


I will take a blog break when Jim has his surgery and during his recuperation. I don’t know how long he will be unable to get around. I will let you know more as I learn of the procedures involved.



  1. I am sorry you are still dealing with the congestion issue. Praying for you to get totally well, especially before your husband's surgery next month. You will need to be feeling strong then for sure. May the Lord heal you and also may his surgery be successful and his recovery be swift and uneventful. Praying for you as you determine how long to be away from blogging during that time. I know you will be busy, but it would be good if you could update us now and then so we know how your husband is and how you are holding up. We will be praying. Perhaps the Lord will show you new ways to reach out with your writing as you have time to think about it and pray. Sometimes ideas come to us in the most unusual times. I will be praying for you in that regard as well. Meanwhile, take it easy and get plenty of rest and get well. You have busy days ahead. (((hugs)))

  2. Thank you for your June reflections, what a month! I pray you are all doing much better now.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

November Reflections

  A Busy Month November was a rather busy month. Or Anniversary was in this month. We had to pay property taxes, due right afte...