Saturday, September 10, 2022

Bear with one Another in Love


canyonville christian academy

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit, in the bond of peace.

Ephesians 4:1-3(NKJV)

Words of Paul written to Ephesian believers.

walk worthy of the calling

He encouraged them to live in a way that reflected God to others. He goes into detail as to how that would look. As we read those words, they can also apply to us who live in the 21st Century.

with all lowliness and gentleness,

As believers in Christ, we must abandon all thought of ourselves as being better than others. We must also respond to each other with tenderness, no matter how others treat us.

bearing with one another in love,

Believers must accept those around us in love and be available for others as we can be. I sometimes find this difficult to do given the mindset of those in the world.

endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit

Paul’s purpose in his ministry was to introduce people to Jesus Christ and then to educate them in the ways of Christ. His goal was to unify those converted to the faith.

in the bond of peace.

Paul tells his readers, then and now that all we should do must have peace as its ultimate aim. I have had times when someone in the business world has been almost rude in response to a question I asked. In one instance, the woman could have explained their position better than she did.

Do you find it difficult to bear  certain people in your life?


  1. To answer your last question, there are times and there are "some people" who can be difficult, but at this stage in my life I have decided to stay clear of the 'drama' and not allow other people's "issues" to get me down. Life is too short to have to deal with some things that may be blown out of proportion or figments of their imaginations. However, if it is a real concern, then of course I am there for them. Oftentimes people need to learn how to discern between what is real and what isn't. I am glad to see you back up and running here...I checked your blog a few times lately and it wasn't showing up correctly in the feed. Whatever it was seems to be fixed. I hope you are doing well...I've been praying for you.

  2. Pam: I also am at that age where "drama" in real life is something I try to steer away from. Life is too short to always be in a turmoil. But Jesus tells us to love people as they are. It is difficult to do sometimes. God knows about all our needs and will take care of us and those who have yet to learn how to manage the situations of life. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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