Tuesday, November 15, 2022

A God-Given Spirit


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for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)

Words of Paul to his spiritual son Timothy.

Paul encourages Timothy to not be ashamed of speaking about God or about his (Paul’s) imprisonment.

God empowers His people to stand for Him and His Word. He still empowers us, His followers, to stand firm in the face of what the world throws at us.

A church I was a part of had a guiding document that included the guiding thought that the church’s calling is to approach the world and change it. Instead, we see the world entering the church and changing it. My present church’s denomination historically has been counter-cultural in its beliefs. Slowly, the world has seen to have crept in and tried to destroy the beliefs and practices we have held dear. Author Charles Colson wrote in some of his books that the colleges of the east coast we founded by churches and originally taught Christian values. Even at the time of his writing, the values, once held dear to the institutions were becoming blurred.

There was a gospel song I heard several years ago that summed up what we must do, it’s title-” The Basics of life”. One line said it all, “Let’s get back to the Basics of life. "We need to do just that!



  1. Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with this...the church is supposed to impact the world and change it to follow God's teachings...but the world has now impacted the church and many churches are getting farther and farther away from the Truth that is found in God's Word, The Bible. We continue to pray for our church and others that they will wake up and see the light before Christ returns and removes their lampstand...

  2. Pam: Our church is praying for discernment as we go through this present issue we face. Each Sunday, the worship leader mentions that the church pray for discernment. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Couldn't agree with you more, Cecelia.

  4. Martha: Thank you. I appreciate finding like-minded Christian people here in the blogosphere. Peace and blessings to you and yours


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