Thursday, March 2, 2023

February Reflections



The Ground Hog

We all know that the famous (or infamous) Phil saw his shadow predicting six more weeks of winter. We joked about it here at our house. 1.) He usually sees his shadow and dives back into his hole. 2.) On the rare times he doesn’t see his shadow and says that spring is here, we still have winter-like weather.

Hubby wondered what Phil really says when the pull him out of his hole. My response was: “Leave me alone, can’t you see I was sleeping!”

The State of our Society

I am concerned about stories I see on the television news and read about in the newspaper. Because of what I read and see, I have chosen not to get out at night. Our neighborhood has changed over the past few years. I really don’t know any of those living around me. That could be either a good thing or a not-so-good thing.

<B> Getting Together with Some Friends </B>

My best friend (Martha) changed churches back in the fall. She and I have a dear friend (Brenda) who goes to church where I still go. After having to cancel our plans for January, we rescheduled for a Friday in February. We had a nice time visiting with one another.

Valentine’s Day Gift

Hubby asked me what I wanted for Valentine’s day. When he asked me, I didn’t know. About three hours later, I heard a thud sound in our kitchen. Final verdict: Our refrigerator died. A few minutes later, in his unusual sense of humor, He later said, “Guess what you are getting for Valentine’s Day!” (He got me some other things.)

Feeling Better

I had not been “up to snuff” for quite sometime. On one recent night, I did not get to sleep until after sunrise, if it would have risen. I felt like I had been run over by a Mac truck. (Please forgive me for using so many cliché.) I was unable to go to church the Sunday right before that week, I was scheduled to give Children’s Message. On that Saturdqy, I had a “Rumbly tummy”, the usual aftermath of this condition precludes me from being away from home.

I began to wonder why I seemed to have so much trouble sleeping and being tired all the time. I happened to have some prescriptions that were due for refill. I picked them up this past Sunday. I recevied the paperwork on the meds. One of them listed “trouble sleeping.” and “tiredness “ as side effects. This is my hormone blocker that I have to take.

I called a lady from church who had been a nurse. She also had had breast cancer several years ago. Since I talked with her, I have had two very good night’s rest and have been waking up earlier than I had been.


When I write. I usually use my portable word processor. I do some spell check on the word processor and then transfer those posts to my laptop and then edit. This might seem tedious to some of you but it helps me.

God is good, all the time.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your February activities. I'm glad you were finally able to get together with your friends. I'm also glad you got a new fridge, even though we never are quite prepared for those kinds of unexpected events. I am glad you are starting to sleep better. I will pray for you to get more good sleep. I do understand the need for it. I often have restless nights because of my shoulder/arm pain and/or tummy kind of issues. Seems like I am just getting to sleep when it is time to wake up, hence the need for an afternoon nap every day. I do not think I understand what a "portable word processor" is. Is it like the old typewriter kind of word processors? I know I should proofread my posts more before hitting publish. I usually don't see my mistakes until they are published and then I have to go back and edit it. So the way you do it is probably a good idea. I hope the month of March is a pleasant month for you in every way. Blessings!


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Thou Shalt Not Murder

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