Saturday, September 2, 2023

How a Friend Sees Forgiveness. Part Two


Warner Sallman

This entry is the second part of the One Word Assignment for August.

What does my word mean to you?

Forgiveness means to let go and forget the “trespasses”.

What do you think is the opposite of my word?

If I don’t forgive others the pain and guilt are more of a burden on me than on them.

Do you think about this word rarely or often?


Where does this word pop up in your everyday life?

In my thoughts.

Can you give me suggestions for better experiencing or practicing this word?

Driving on the roads. Being patient with working/talking with customer service people that being patient and forget when they

are busy.

This friend recently had a wreck and totaled her car. The day I asked her these questions was the day she found out she could pick up her new car.


  1. More beautiful and timely thoughts about forgiveness, Cecelia. Thank you and blessings!

    1. Martha Jane: Thank you for your kind thoughts about my friend's thoughts on forgiveness. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

August Reflections

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