Tuesday, September 5, 2023

August Reflections



Other than writing my blog entries, I have not really done much writing. I have tried to work on something to submit to a Christian magazine. One asks for three photos to go along with the story and a photo for the bio. These have to be a certain dimension (dpi). I don’t have a working digital camera and my phone does not cooperate with me. I want to get this story down perfect (as close to it) soon. I found a fourth magazine that doesn’t sound like it is a paying one but as the saying goes, “Gotta start somewhere.”

Geodes and Cattails

Jim traveled down to his home area by himself early in August. His best friend, Tom called him and said that his sister’s great-grandson and the preacher’s boy started “a business”. They had collected Geodes and were going to sell them. Right before this, Jim had asked me if I would like some Geodes for my rock garden. I thought they would add some color to it. Geode information

When he came back, he had some Cattails that I put in a bud vase and set them on my antique library table. They have lasted all month long.


I had a book come to me in the mail. It was from the Voice of the Martyrs. The title was WHEN FAITH IS FORBIDDEN by Todd Nettleton. Mr, Nettleton travels for Voice of the Martyrs. It is a devotional book composed of 40 short devotions, each telling about the lives of persecuted Christians.

New Compression Sleeves

We made the trip to Indy to purchase my new compression sleeves. The store’s prices were far more realistic that what my insurace received claims for. So I waited as long as I could before getting new ones. One week later I could not find one of the two sleeves. I felt uneasy. I kept praying and praying. I have to hand wash them at least every other night. Since I could not find the second one, I decided I needed to hand wash the one I was wearing. Jim heard me in the bathroom and asked if I was hand washing my stuff. I found myself telling him that I had misplaced one of the sleeves. He told me it was on the hanger I hang on the shower rod. I looked and there it was. Moral of this story is: I need to look up more often.

Heat Wave

Yes, we had one. It lasted into the fifth day. I had not been out of our house since right before the Friday before it started. We had a reprieve on the last Sunday of the month and that following week.

Feeling Rather Guilty

I read a friend’s blog, jeanettelevellie.blogspot.com. Her entry about her being in Uganda visiting a school she helps support. The people there were very glad she and four other women were there visiting. My guilt stems from my not being able to do visitation or taking devotional thoughts to residents in a nursing home or leading a Bible study at a retirement community, Before COVID and my health issues, I did these things. Please pray for me that I might be able to do at least one of them again.


  1. Praying for you, Cecelia. Glad you found that sleeve!

    1. Martha Jane: Thank you for your prayers. We all need the prayers of others from time to time to get us through those tough times. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Such a great post. I love to hear what you've been doing. So glad you found the other compression sleeve...and yes, I know about remembering to "look up" more often. Great reminder. We all have things we wish we could be doing more of, but sometimes we just have to sit back and rest and let God handle those things and raise up others who may be better able to get around than we are. No one said we had to do everything. That's what the body of Christ is for...everyone does something and has a part. We can't always keep doing the things we used to do, and that's okay. God understands...and He gives us other things we CAN do within reason...so just keep "looking up" and giving Him glory with all that you can do. God bless you dear friend.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your sage thoughts. We find ourselves being support people as we get older. I am so thankful that God understands. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Dear Cecelia, thank you for your honest reflections. Looking up more, what a great lesson. I read Jeanette's post as well, she had a great trip! But I think we all do what we can. My husband and I travel a lot all over Europe for our ministry, but I realize this is not for everyone. You do what you can and ask the Lord to show you which of the former things you can pick up again. He is your Helper! Blessings.

    1. Marja: Thank you for your kind words. You are so right when you say we all do what we can. I will be asking God to help me decide what I can do. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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September Reflections

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