Tuesday, December 12, 2023

What “Forgive” has Taught Me


Last year, I chose, as my Word of The Year, the word "forgive" (and its allied words). This choice was very interesting for me.

I discovered a Facebook group that kept me ‘on target’ with my word. In the past, I wrote about my word in the fall of the year. By joining this group, I had to blog about my word every month. This practice helped me keep my word to the forefront of my heart and mind.

I found myself asking for God’s forgiveness quite often. I’d mess up and immediately find myself saying, “Forgive me, Lord”.

I also found I became more forgiving toward others. I find myself being less judgmental about things others do that I do not understand.

God has taught me so much during this past year. For that I am very thankful.

The concept of choosing a word to focus on and apply to our lives replaces the practice of making resolutions which no one seemed able to keep.

I will announce my word for 2024 in January. My decision about this word was rather difficult. However, I know it will reach me what God knows I need.

I believe I will keep the practice of choosing a word a year to focus on as long as I am able.


  1. Forgiveness is such a powerful, meaningful practice, Cecelia. I just might have to choose it for my word of 2024. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Martha Jane: Like I said, I found myself asking God to forgive me almost instantly after I "messed up". I joined a Facebook group that helped me keep up the momentum of posting about it. On January 2, 2024, I will include a section about my WOTY for 2024. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Oh wow, you wrote every month about your 2023 word, that is an excellent way to keep it going. My word was (still is) 'trust', I don't think I wrote a blog post about it, but I kept it up in my prayers and devotional time. I think I know what the word will be for 2024. Curious to hear about yours!

    1. Marja: Thank you for your compliment. As I told Martha Jane, I got lots of encouragement from the Facebook group. I had one word in mind for 2024, then I thought of another one. However, God had a third one in mind for me. I will let everyone know in just under three weeks. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. I find it truly heartwarming to read how much it has brought you and what you've learned. Being part of a group can be so supportive, don't you think?

    1. Aritha: Thank you. Being in this group has helped me "stay the course" and keep looking for FORGIVE in my reading and applying it to my life. A very, very good experience. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  4. Forgiveness can be oh so difficult but it is necessary for our mental, physical & spiritual health.

    Barb https://mylifeinourfathersworld.com/

  5. Ugh technology, my original comment above was "anonymous".

    Forgiveness can be oh so difficult but it is necessary for our mental, physical & spiritual health. I know this because I was once in a cycle of unforgiveness that poisoned every part of my life.

    What a glorious day it was when I realized that God had delivered me from such an unhealthy habit.

    One Word 6, 7, 8, 9, & 15 this month.

  6. Barb H: Thank you for your thoughtful comments. Yes, what you say is true, we can gain ground in mental, physical and spiritual health when we practice forgiveness and when we ask the Lord to forgive us. Happy New Year. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  7. This is such an encouraging post, Cecelia!!! I love how Forgive worked its way into so many places in your life. It's so powerful. I've been focusing on it more and more the past month myself, and it's been a great help to me, too. Thanks for your monthly updates; I've so appreciated your participation in our group!

    1. Lisa: Please forgive me for waiting so long to respond to your wonderful comment. January and I really didn't get along this year. I know that's no valid excuse. I am truly sorry. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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