Thursday, January 18, 2024

Trusting in Jesus


My Christmas Present.

This is a song that ran through my heart and mind after God chose my word for 2024. I have put my thoughts on paper in order to help me understand the message of this song.

Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,

Yes, it is very sweet to have Jesus in your corner. We can rely on Him.

Just to take Him at His Word

When we allow Jesus into our lives, we learn to rely on Him and His word.

Just to rest on His promise

We can take what He tells us into our hearts.

Just to know, “Thus saith the Lord!

When we know Jesus said something, we know we can believe it and rely on Him and His word.

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!

As we get to know Jesus, we learn that He has our best interests at heart.

How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er

Each time we patiently wait for Jesus to act on a prayer request, we prove that He does care for us.

Oh, for grace to love Him more!

When we see answers to our prayers, we realize that we can love Him more than we do.

I’m so glad I learned to trust thee,

Yes, I am very thankful that I learned to turn everything over to Him.

Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend.

There is no one like Him. He is my Savior, and my Friend.

And I know You are with me,

Whatever I go through, I know Jesus is right beside me.

With me to the end.

He will be with me at the time, He escorts me into God’s presence.

Jesus, Jesus, How I trust Him!

When we learn of Him, we see that He is worthy of our trust.

How I’ve proven Him o’er and o’er.

When we witness to someone, we prove that He is real and that He loves them.

Jesus, precious Jesus!

The Lord grows more precious each day.

Oh, for grace to trust Him more.

We need to experience God’s love in order to learn to trust Him.

Oh, for grace to trust Him more.

We learn to trust Jesus by allowing Him to have full reign over our lives.

Oh, for grace to trust Him more.

Yes, we must learn to trust Him more.


“’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” by Louise M.R. Stead


  1. Beautiful commentary on this simple, yet profound, hymn, Cecelia. May we all trust Jesus more and more!

    1. Martha Jane: Thank you for your sweet message. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. I love this hymn, and have sung it so many times. It is such a true message of our faith in Christ. Thank you for sharing your thoughts along with the song. This was beautiful, and a wonderful word for 2024. "Oh for grace to trust Him more!"

    1. Pam: There are times I awaken with a special hymn on my mind. I love it when this happens. I wish we could have a hymn sing at our church with nothing but the "old" hymns. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. I'm singing the song in my head now. :) I love using writing as a tool to help clarify our thinking. I do that often myself.

  4. Lisa: There are times I receive words to a hymn in my head and heart. It seems to happen when I have been blessed or need to hear the song's message. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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