Thursday, April 11, 2024

March Reflections

A Slow Month

My computer issue did not get resolved until I purchased a new one. Then I had trouble getting my printer to work. In the process of trying to resolve the printer issue, I shut it down completely. Roger told me he would look at the printer when he came home. (I was able to contact my ink supplier and get that problem resolved.)

Postponed Plans

Roger was going to come home St. Patrick's Day weekend but was too worn out to do it. We said it would be okay with us if he came Palm Sunday weekend.(I had a birthday during the week in between.) Jim has been dealing with a cold and another health issue. So we decided Roger didn’t need to be exposed to those germs. We aimed for Easter weekend. Then, I started feeling bad.

Pastor Rick

Pastor Rick was released from the intense therapy hospital on March 22nd. Cheryl took a couple of pictures and texted them to some of us. He looked happy to be home. I didn’t get to church on Palm Sunday and Easter. I heard that Pastor was at first service on both Sundays.

Desires, Goals, and Plans 

As time goes by, I have some desires that I would like to be able to accomplish. In order to do these things, I have to set goals. Then, I have to make plans to see those goals met and those desires become real. Please pray about this for me.

This See-Saw Weather

I will be very happy to see an end to this chilly weather. When the temperature is not in the 30s and 40s, it is up in the 60-70 range, for a day or two. No wonder so many people are sick.

An Interesting Day

My driver’s license expired on my birthday. A few weeks earlier, I received a postcard from the B.M.V. The card reminded me of the fact of the expiration. It also told me to bring paperwork verifying my identity.

(I had already done this six years ago. I happened to keep the paperwork in my desk drawer.) I thought I needed to update the documents showing my mailing address.

I drove to the town just north of us to go to that B. M. V. I found out it was closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I was there on a Tuesday.

I had to drive back to our city and then across town to get to the shopping center on the south side of town. When it was my turn to be waited on, I asked about the need for my paperwork. The young lady said, “You already have the star on your license, you didn’t need to bring the paperwork.” I also found out that the branch I went to first shares its staff with the branch in the next county. Yes, it was an interesting day.

Two Phone Calls

On Tuesday of Holy Week, I answered our home phone. It was our great-nephew. He told me that his dad had suffered a stroke the day before. He also said his dad was not going to make it. About three and a half hours later, he called back and told me that his dad had passed on about an hour and a half before.

Between the two phone calls I contacted some prayer-warrior friends. I also prayed that our nephew would not suffer. As his son told me, our nephew turned over to go to sleep and passed on.

Jim was asleep when the second call came. After I told him, most of that day, Jim told me memories about when they were kids; they were fond memories.

This may sound boring but that was my life during the month of March.


  1. Not boring at all. And my condolences to you and Jim on the passing of your nephew. It sounds as if your prayers were answered regarding him not having to suffer. God was very merciful. It's good to have fond memories to help comfort you in your time of grieving for his loss. (((hugs))) and prayers. Glad you got your driver's license issue resolved, even if it did take a few extra steps. It's done, and hopefully you won't have to go through that again for a long time! I hope you are feeling much better now than you were. I know, the weather certainly does not help when it is up and down and all around. Today we are expecting high winds and a lot of rain. Praying there is nothing too severe. It is warm and muggy, but should be cooler tomorrow. Glad you finally got your computer fixed. I also had to replace my computer last month, and I just realized a couple of days ago that I never actually re-installed my printer to the new computer. It was printing, but I couldn't scan anything. Thankfully I still had the CD for the printer, but ended up doing in with an online app after all was said and done. Now it works! It has been an experience for both of us, with all these technological changes! Glad we made it through and are still here able to communicate with one another! I hope you have a blessed and wonderful rest of your week.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your kind words. We had nice temperatures for the eclipse (70*) and for Tuesday. But it went back to windy and cold, then lots of rain last night. In Indiana once a person reaches a certain age, those driver's licenses are only good for four years. I am in that category. After the four year category, there is a two-year category. This weather thing makes me lazy. Thank you for being my friend, Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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The Lord

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