Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Eucharisteo: Christian Community

As I sit here on a drizzly November day, what does God want me to write about? Thus far this year, He has given me 895 gifts and blessings that I know of. I recently joined the church I have attended since its creation in 2006. We attended one of the forerunner churches for almost four and a half years before the merger of two existing congregations.
            I have been impressed with the way Christians accept others into their fold. I recently saw this at a writing conference. Everyone was there for the same purpose—to learn how to better present God through their writing. The people were warm and hospitable. The faculty was outstanding. Even one of the speakers, with whom I didn’t see eye to eye, had some good points for us.
            On Tuesday mornings, a group of us meet for prayer. One of the women still has both parents living. This daughter faces one of her parents having his health fail. When I was at that writing conference, I attended a workshop, given by a man who happened to write a book about his experience of watching and caring for his mother as she went through the dementia process. I purchased that book, thinking I could read it myself and then donate it to the church library. I found myself telling this dear sweet Christian daughter that I would let her have it first.
            When someone has a need and the community knows about it, people pray, for however long it takes, for that person or family to get through the need. When someone has praise, we all rejoice with them. One particular Sunday, we heard two women give testimony that someone in their families was cancer free. Another one said she experienced freedom for the first time in a long time.
            I participate in the church’s visitation ministry. Today, we saw five people, one nursing home patients, three retirement home residents, and one Alzheimer’s home resident. All but one of these is in their nineties. My visitation partner and I try to go every other week. I enjoy hearing them talk about their families, stories of their youth. One gentleman writes about his past memories, a history of his family, and about the paw-paw fruit.

            God was good to me when he led me to our church. He always has something special for me each week. He calms me as I worship Him and makes my journey smoother as I follow Him. For this, I am thankful.


  1. You are indeed blessed to have found such a wonderful church. And the fact that you not only just attend, but it sounds as though you have found a place of service within that part of the body of Christ as well...that is a blessing as well...both to the people with whom you have contact and for yourself. We are currently without a church home and I find myself envying your situation. But God know what He is doing and I am waiting on Him to guide us according to His perfect plan. Thank you for sharing this today. It was encouraging. What is the name of the book about dementia? I would like to read it we are partnering with my brother in law to help take care of my mother in law every other weekend. It is very challenging.

  2. Pam: Thank you for your lovely comments. The book is titled: "When Your Parent Becomes Your Child." Ken Abraham wrote it. Yes, it is challenging. A friend took care of her husband; although she never complained, I know it was confining for her.

  3. Hi Cecelia! What fun to attend a writers conference! I'm sure you have stories and thoughts to carry you through many months. I'd love to go to one someday.
    It is amazing that you had that book for your new friend. How God is amazing. And you are so open to his movement in you too. How he loves that!

    Thursday blessings,

    1. Ceil: Thank you for your comments. The friend I have the book for is not new, although I am getting to know her better. Thank you, especially for your comment about my openess to God's movement .


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