Friday, May 29, 2015

Book Review: The Supernatural Power of Peace

  Product Details

                                 By Dennis and Dr. Jen Clark

               The Clarks write about how we can tap into the peace that Jesus gives to those who follow Him. Their purpose in writing this book is “. . .  our endeavor to teach you how to make Jesus Christ Lord of your life in a very practical way.”

               In two sections of this book, they explore the five aspects of peace. Each aspect begins with the letter “G”. Peace governs, guides, goes and gathers, and grounds us as believers.

               In the last chapter, Dennis takes the readers through the 23rd Psalm using these aspects of peace as explanation of the way we can incorporate peace in our lives.
               I would recommend this book to anyone who seriously seeks peace in their life. I also would recommend it to any clergy person who counsels those who are seeking a deeper walk with the Lord.

               I received this book from Destiny Images Publishers, Inc. All they asked was I give an unbiased review.Review

1 comment:

I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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