Monday, June 22, 2015


“God grant me the serenity to change the things I can; courage accept the things I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference.” Reinhold Niebuhr

               Courage means strength, inner strength. Courage is commendable. It took courage for the French people in World War 2 and for the Kuwaiti people in Desert Storm to have resistance movements during their times of captivity and occupation.

               It takes courage to love a person with a compulsive make-up. It also takes courage to stand up to someone enraged at another party when we feel ‘caught in the middle.’ This courage is not based on size, familial relationship, or friendship. This courage must come from the LORD.

               A lot of people who know the LORD have to rely on Him to get up each day When I went through a prolonged time of depression, a friend knew what I meant when I said, “I’m making it.” One day, she told me that was something to praise God for.

               Lord, please help me to be courageous during hard times. I love You and want to live for you at all times.


  1. And He will help us to be courageous Cecelia, that is a promise. Look at all the martyrs at the moment, wow, such courage. It must come from God, otherwise we will fall short.

    1. Marja: Thank you for your warm comment. Because of what you invited me to look at, I realize those nine people in Charleston, SC were martyred. And, yes, such courage must come from God.

  2. So very true. Thanks for sharing.


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