Wednesday, August 1, 2018


The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty, yet the span is but toil and trouble, they are soon gone and we fly away. Psalm 90:10 (ESV)

God gave Moses these words in a prayer. The LORD desires that His children live 70 to 80 years. In our lives here on earth, we have work and difficult times.

Those times of “toil and trouble” build our character and give us the strength to face those later years we are on this earth.

The toil we face can be the way we provide for our family’s needs. I have a friend whose one grandson began a new job last week. That job is a 12-hour day-seven day a week job. It is somewhat seasonal but he will be able to care for his family’s needs better.

The trouble might mean the evil done by men to other men. It can also mean the logical end of man’s own bad choices. Yet another interpretation is the prevalence of disease in our world. Another friend of mine lost her daughter to heaven a few years ago, the daughter was in her late 50’s; she had an inoperable brain tumor. Yet another much younger friend lost her daughter to heaven from brain tumors. This daughter was eleven years old.

We discover that the older we get; the faster time seems to go. Yes, those years soon go into our memory banks. Those memories come to the forefront of our minds when we need them. God uses them to comfort us or to teach us a lesson He has for us.

On a day, usually appointed by God, we go to meet Him and His Son.


  1. Thank you for these thoughts today, especially today, as we are expecting the passing of my mother in law to be any day now. She has lived a wonderful life of 95 years, filled with much toil, trouble and many many blessings. She has been such a blessing to us. I know God is preparing a beautiful place for her in heaven, that when it is ready, He will come for her...any day now. Thank you for this excellent post today. God bless you...

    1. Pam: A friend of mine and I decided that the toil and those troublesome times build character. I believe God waits for your mother-in-law with open arms and will welcome her as if she were royalty because she is His child.

      Peace and Blessings,

  2. As my mother grew old, (she lived to be 100) she would always tell me to go make memories because they will comfort you in your old age. Now I'm older and I am discovering the truth of her words.

    1. Mary: Thank you for stopping in.Your mother had great wisdom. We always seem to rely on good memories as we mature in age. Even if the memory is not good but a bit of family history, we sometimes need to share it with those of the younger generations.

  3. Thank you. Last year two of my church mates lost their husband. One in one day gone 67 year. My nephew 25 7 years ago. I only can pray Lord help not to think " what if" The Lord give strength at the moment .

    1. Emma: My former Sunday school teacher lost his wife this past January. They were married 61 years, almost 62. The same day, her brother's wife passed. My Sunday school teacher is a strong Bible-believing, Bible-living Christian. He misses her but He knows God did what was best for her. His brother-in-law, however, has had a very difficult time with his loss.

      We have to trust God and His ways in the events of life that affect us.


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