Friday, February 26, 2021

God Sees Me- Isaiah


In the year King Uzziah died,

I saw the Lord seated on a throne,

High and exalted, and the train of

his robe filled the temple.

Isaiah 6:1 (NIV)


I always love the word picture Isaiah gives us of seeing the LORD in the temple. As we read further into this chapter, we see that Isaiah is overwhelmed by the scene of the seraphs and the temple filling up with smoke. He confesses that he is a sinner and is not worthy of being able to see the LORD.

This scene is written from Isaiah’s view. God is also present, along with the seraphs.

King Uzziah had died. Isaiah was probably in mourning over this loss to the nation. He grieved for the nation. God could have seen Isaiah in his saddened state and chose to reveal Himself to Isaiah.


God commissions Isaiah to represent Him to those in the nation Judah. Does God ever give us His blessing to perform an act for Him? Yes, He does. Any time we are led by God to pray for someone, that is His commission from Him to pray for that person or that need.



  1. Oh yes...I love this passage, and also the part where Isaiah says "Here am I, send me!". How often I have heard that call from God in our lives...not just a one time calling, but a many times of calling to new places and people, sometimes when we'd given up hope that God would still find a place to use us...He opened the doors and sent us...but we still had to be willing to accept the call and go.

    1. Pam; There are several messages in this passage that have spoken to me over the years. Seeing God, Realizing he is unworthy and a man of unclean lips. And the "Here am I. send me." message. God is good, All the time. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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