Tuesday, October 11, 2022

God’s Plan


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For I know the thoughts [plans] that I think towards [have for] you,

says the LORD. Thoughts [plans] of peace not evil, to give

you a future and hope. Hebrews 29:11 (NKJV) [NI V]

The words in brackets are how I learned this verse.

The LORD has set in motion a time of exile for the Israelite people. They will be in bondage for 70 years, a life time to a lot of people now. How many generations of Israelite people lived in this bondage during those years?

Yet, God had plans for them. False prophets had misled them. One told the Israelite people the enslavement would last just two years. God took him out two months later.

God’s plans were positive-in the long run. The people had to learn some lessons and learn to respect God.

Recently, I came across the thought that what we see happening in our world today has come about because we have lost respect for God and the lessons we have needed to learn. This thought makes sense to me.

What do you think about this? Does God still have plans for His children? Will His children respond to God in a way that uplifts Him?


  1. Yes, I believe God still has a plan for each of His children. Our mistakes and disobedience will never change His plans. I agree with you that what we see happening may be because we have lost respect for God. As I pray for our education system I am led to pray that God would be welcomed back into schools; for the homeless crisis (it's a definite crisis here in Seattle) I pray that people would be drawn to the Lord... I believe we've brought this on ourselves. Our nation has told the Lord we don't need Him or want Him and now we're getting a glimpse of what life is like without Him. Oh Lord have mercy on us and forgive us of our pride!

  2. Cindy: Thank you for your heartfelt comment. When you say you believe we have brought this on ourselves, I wholeheartedly agree.

  3. Amen! His plans (in the bigger picture) never change. He has a plan with the world, with the nations, with Israel, with you and me, I believe it. We sabotage that plan by being disobedient, by not stopping the enemy, by not being alert.

  4. Becky: Thank you for your kind thought.

  5. Marja: Thank you for your enlightening thought about our sabotaging God's plan. I had never thought about it in that way. Peace and blessings to you.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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