Friday, October 14, 2022

Purpose in Season


Warner Sallman

To everything there is a season. A time for every purpose on earth.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV)

God creates our live and gives us many epochs in each life He creates. As a person goes through life, he or she might go through certain stages.

As young adults, we study, we work, date, maybe marry.

As young marrieds, we work, provide for our families and care for our homes.

As parents, we care for, provide for and rear children.

As Empty Nesters, we rediscover favorite pastimes. and even learn new skills.

As Caregivers, we spend time caring for or helping older family members.

As Senior Citizens, we may volunteer for church or civic positions.

Each of these seasons have a purpose. God gives His children duties and tasks to perform. Each ‘season’ has a beginning and an end.

Since two weeks before the COVID lock down, I have had several health issues. It seems like one after another. I sincerely need to pray about finding God’s purpose about how He wants me to spend my days in this season I find myself.

Sometimes, all we can do is seek the LORD’s guidance and follow His leading.

Are any of you going through times like this?


  1. Happy Season of the Fall Feasts and Happy Sukkot!! Your post is so timely in this season as this very verse that you shared is read in all the synagogues this Shabbat!! I was just writing about it and even listening to a song about this verse, yes it is a beautiful verse. Sometimes its more clear than others what is that purpose, and I agree may we continue to seek the LORD`s guidance and follow His guiding. I pray continued prayers for your health issues and that God will reveal something deep and beautiful about what he is speaking through this season for you. Love and Blessings in Yeshua.

  2. I do understand about the seasons of life. We've been through most of them, and yes, now we are entering our so called "golden years" that really don't have too much gold in them. And yes, I've had nagging physical issues over the past couple of years as well...nothing serious but enough to keep me from being as active and involved as I'd like to be. However, working at our kids' Dixie Cottage has been very good for both hubby and me. We have a reason to get up and get out every morning and go meet and greet people and feel useful. Just glad we don't really HAVE to do it every day or all day. Stamina is something we are lacking. But God gives us what we need as we need it, and for that I am very thankful. (((hugs))) to you as you navigate these difficult waters...

  3. Shayndel: Thank you for sharing your thoughts about these things. Those of us who follow God are committed to seek His guidance in everything we do. God is good, all the time, All the time God is good.
    Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  4. Pam: It's always nice to hear from you. The first half of next week will be a rather busy one for me. The important one is that on Wednesday, I will start taking a class to help me not to be so prone to falling. It lasts eight weeks. The local council on aging is having the classes at our church. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  5. We can be glad to know the One who can keep us without stumbling.
    Perhaps the Lord just wants you to come apart and rest a while.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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